If your card has expired, you will need to obtain a new attending physician statement just as if you were renewing your card.
You simply need to apply online at our website and complete a medical record release form. This will allow us to obtain your updated medical records and pre-approve you to get a medical card. Once your records have been reviewed, you can visit our physician to reinstate your card.
Common Follow-Up Questions
All Questions in Category
- Am I able to get an extension if my card is close to expiring?
- Are the locations wheelchair accessible?
- Can I submit my renewal application to the OMMP Early?
- I am renewing my card, is that any different?
- I had my OMMP card a couple years ago and it has expired. Do I need to get a new doctor’s note?
- I went to a different clinic to get my medical card the first time, do I need to go there again?
- Is it harder to renew my medical card after it expires?
- Is there an advantage to returning to your clinic for my renewal?