What conditions qualify for the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program?

To determine if you qualify, you will need to show us that you have one of the following conditions:

  • Cancer (A medical record confirming cancer)
  • Glaucoma (A medical record showing glaucoma and treatment)
  • HIV/AIDS (Confirmation of Diagnosis and current/Most recent treatment)
  • Alzheimer’s disease (Confirmation of diagnosis)
  • Wasting Syndrome (Confirmation of Diagnosis and current/Most recent treatment)
  • Chronic Pain (Confirmation of symptoms requiring treatment from a physician or other medical professional)
  • Severe Nausea (Confirmation of Diagnosis and current/Most recent treatment)
  • Seizures (Diagnosis of seizures and current anti-seizure medications)
  • Muscle Spasms (Confirmation of Diagnosis and current/Most recent treatment)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Confirmation of Diagnosis by Mental Health Professional)


All recommendations are issued for conditions which cause severe pain, severe nausea, muscle spasms, or Post Traumatic Stress disorder. There are well over 1000 known conditions which may lead to someone receiving a Medical Marijuana recommendation, every case is reviewed individually for qualifying conditions and extent of care.